
= How many unique visitors per month?
= How do you get traffic?
= Do you have incentive offers on your website?
= How much do you spent on advertising?
= What kind of offers are you interested in?
= Are you with any other affiliate companies?
Why are you coming to (联盟名字)? 你为什么加入
• How did you hear about *** (联盟名字)?
• What do we have to offer that is of interest to you (i.e.
better payment terms/methods,exclusive offers, etc.)?
你对我们的哪些 offer 感兴趣(更好的付款条款/方法,与众不同的 offer?等等)
Tell us about your traffic!
• What is your traffic type (i.e. Search, Email, Banner,etc.)?
你流量从哪里来(搜索引擎,邮件, banner 广告,等等)?
• What verticals (categories of offers) do you work in?
• Are you looking for specific offers? If so, what are they?
你在寻找特定的 offer 吗?它们是什么?
• Do you run US offers, International offers, or both?
你是在做美国 offers,还是国际 offers,还是两者都有呢?
• Do you offer any incentives for the completion of offers?
If so, what kinds of incentives?
对于以上的 offers,你有什么鼓励来完成 offers 任务?如果有,什么类型的激励方案。
• Do you buy media from any other sources, or are you planning to run our offers through another domain besides the one(s) you currently own? If so, where do you buy your media?
你有从其他地方打广告吗,还是你计划通过其他的域名(除了你现有在我们的网站登记的)运作我们的 offer?你在哪里打的广告?
• How many/what other Networks are you currently working with?
• What is your current monthly revenue with other networks?
• What solutions are you looking for from us to help grow
your business to new levels?

一些通用的大问题,如你有过什么 affiliate 经验啊,介绍下你以往的成果啊之类的,你可以自己从下面节选并加以编辑,任意增删。

i’d like to get approved by you asap,so i can begin sending some traffic and try your offers.i am an experienced affiliate marketer,i began to marketing 2 years ago,working with cj,cb,mostly cps offers,and i made some money from them,this is a webhosting promotion site:Just a moment…and 1 year ago i stepped into cpa networks,and i worked with some other networks like affiliate.com/cpalead.com,also i made some money from these networks,you can check out my

sites,Just a moment… one is my email&zip submitting offer site,you can see from the domain,it’s focused on vote and receive a gift method,of course,you can’t see the landing pages from front side.
and this one Just a moment…’s a simple one-page site,focused on ipad offers,like mobile submit,as i wish,i can promote email submit as well,it’s ipad incentivized.i
think from the 2 sites you have some idea about what i am
doing,so that’s it,i don’t list all my sites here.as i
know,your offers are canadian traffic targeted,but this
won’t make a difference to me,i shall promote your offers

as i did before,i think with my experiences,we make make
some money together.
so what are you waiting for?just get me in,let’s make some

你的流量来源主要是什么?你使用直连还是创建 landing page?

from the sites i created above,you can see how i promoted offers from other cpa networks,basically,i think,i shall buy traffic,from any possible sources,test and win,be it ppc,ppv,media buying,social networks or sth else,i can either direct link to your offer page,or creating landing pages as i did,no problem,up to the offers,and how i’d like
to promote them.


i promoted lots of offers before with other cpa networks,from email/zip sunmit to weight loss trial offers.the most successful one is a nike vs adidas $250 free gift card offer,payout out on email submit,i earned $400 a day.

你是如何推广你的 offer 的,会制作 lp 吗?

Just a moment… site is mainly for email/zip submit offers,i promote them using poll method,vote and get something for free,i think you may have some email/zip submit offers.
and this one Just a moment… one for ipad
related offers,i am promoting mobile pin input offers now
with it.well,if i think your offers are good enough worth
buying a domain and creating a landing page,i will do it,no



2024-10-18 22:48:50



2024-10-18 22:54:47

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